Friday, November 13, 2009

My myspace profile!!?

Ok.. Either last week or earlier this week..I put a code on my myspace so no one could see my top friends. Then I took it off. After that I tried to do stuff with it and I took a whole bunch of stuff out by copy and pasting it to microsoft word and then copy and pasted it back. Now..on my profile..I can't see my friends, about me, my playlist (you can only hear it), and everything like that. Basically, you can only see the left side of my profile and my comments. What do I do to fix it??

My myspace profile!!?
If you had provided a link to your NON-private profile, I could have addressed the problem for you.

But you didn't.
Reply:I don't know, just make sure you did remove alllll, the codes
Reply:you should remove all the codes and find them again later

Racing Shoes

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